Rating from 96% of our Reviews

All reviews are verified purchasers

"I have smoked brisket, chicken, lamb and ribs and they have all come out great. I have tried various other ways to smoke on my grill but this is by far the best and also the easiest."

Jon S. - United States

"This unit is awesome. The cold smoked cheese and trout is some of the best I have ever eaten."

Brent G. - New Zealand

"Excellent product and service - this is the second unit I have purchased; the first I gave to my brother because they are so good!"

Andrew Foster - Australia

Smokai Smoke Generators

Made in New Zealand since 2011

Used everyday around the world by fisherman, hunters, charcutiers, pit masters, home smoking enthusiasts, celebrity chefs and many other good folk.

Precision-Engineered | Heavy-Duty | Easy & Convenient | Versatile | Controllable | Reliable | Economical

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Cold Smoking or Hot Smoking?

With Smokai, you can choose to Cold Smoke or Hot Smoke your food (with a separate heat source). Here are a few of our favourite recipes.

Cold Smoked Venison Backstrap
Cold smoking is a preservation and flavor-enhancing technique that involves smoking meat at low temperatures for an...
Hot Smoked Leg Of Lamb
If you're going to cook a leg of lamb, then smoke it. This smoked leg of lamb recipe is bloody delicious and is ve...
Dry Cured Cold Smoked Bacon
Dry cured bacon is certainly the most delicious kind of bacon. It's how bacon has been made for centuries and once ...
Sticky Pork Ribs
These ribs are so damn good and easy to make, after the first lot, you'll be ordering a regular supply of fresh rib...
Cold Smoked Salmon
We reckon that our cold smoked salmon is the absolute best. It is very easy to make at home with our simple to fol...
Beef Hot Dogs
If you’re craving homemade hot dogs with that deep, smoky flavor, this recipe is a winner. Combining lean beef and ...
Cold Smoked Cheese
Smoked cheese is delicious and always a favourite. The good news is that you can easily make your own at home using...
Hot Smoked Yellowtail Kingfish
Is it really summer without the smell, the taste and the joy of preparing and sharing your catch with friends and f...

You're In Good Company

Trusted By The Best

Al Brown


"If you like giving things a go yourself and using gear you can trust, I'll stand behind Smokai any day. Simple to use, and all you need, Smokai Smoke Generators are fantastic for smoking how you want to and everything you want to!"

Josh James


"It is a great product in every respect! The design, build quality and performance is exceptional. I've been using the Magnum solidly for 7 years.  It lives outside attached to my smokehouse and it's as good today as the first time I used it." 

Ron Goodman & Greg Casten


"Our Smokai Smoke Generators are an invaluable addition to the Ivy City Smokehouse Tavern. They provide us with the control and flexibility we demand in our Smoking process to deliver our Customers delicious, freshly smoked seafood at the Tavern every day."

Our Company

Our mission is to provide you with the right tools, woods, resources and knowledge to produce legendary results when cold or hot smoking your fish, game, meat or veg. Our passion is to nurture and offer value to our community that shares a love for this pastime and lifestyle.

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