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In 2011, our founders invented the original Classic Smoke Generator. Now there's a range of products for just about any application.
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Rating from 96% of our Reviews
All reviews are verified purchasers
"I have smoked brisket, chicken, lamb and ribs and they have all come out great. I have tried various other ways to smoke on my grill but this is by far the best and also the easiest."
Jon S. - United States
"This unit is awesome. The cold smoked cheese and trout is some of the best I have ever eaten."
Brent G. - New Zealand
"Excellent product and service - this is the second unit I have purchased; the first I gave to my brother because they are so good!"
Andrew Foster - Australia
Used everyday around the world by fisherman, hunters, charcutiers, pit masters, home smoking enthusiasts, celebrity chefs and many other good folk.
Precision-Engineered | Heavy-Duty | Easy & Convenient | Versatile | Controllable | Reliable | Economical
NZ Made
Designed and manufactured in New Zealand since 2011.
Heavy Duty
Certified 304L Hygienic Stainless Steel. Built to last!
Smokai Modular System
Makes mounting, ash disposal and cleaning quick and easy
Control Your Smoke™
Dial in a light, medium, to heavy smoke for hours of continuous smoking.
Wood Fired Smoke
Use hardwood BBQ pellets or woodchip to produce cool wood fired smoke.
Battery or Mains Power
Choose continuous mains AC or battery for up to 40hrs smoking on one charge.
Use this tool to help you choose the correct Smokai products for your application. Click below to get started.
With Smokai, you can choose to Cold Smoke or Hot Smoke your food (with a separate heat source). Here are a few of our favourite recipes.
"If you like giving things a go yourself and using gear you can trust, I'll stand behind Smokai any day. Simple to use, and all you need, Smokai Smoke Generators are fantastic for smoking how you want to and everything you want to!"
"It is a great product in every respect! The design, build quality and performance is exceptional. I've been using the Magnum solidly for 7 years. It lives outside attached to my smokehouse and it's as good today as the first time I used it."
"Our Smokai Smoke Generators are an invaluable addition to the Ivy City Smokehouse Tavern. They provide us with the control and flexibility we demand in our Smoking process to deliver our Customers delicious, freshly smoked seafood at the Tavern every day."
Our mission is to provide you with the right tools, woods, resources and knowledge to produce legendary results when cold or hot smoking your fish, game, meat or veg. Our passion is to nurture and offer value to our community that shares a love for this pastime and lifestyle.