Information & Support

Below you will find answers to the most common questions we receive from our awesome community, plus important information on the use of Smokai Smoke Generators. We have carefully curated the information on this page to allow you to make the most of your Smokai Products.

My Shipping, Tracking & Order Status

How much is Shipping/Freight?
What is the status of my order?
Do you ship internationally?
When will my order be dispatched?
Is there any Customs, Duty or Tax on my shipment?
How long will my order take to get to me?
What if I need to change my delivery address?
Can I add an item to an order I've already placed?

My Smoke Generator

How do I mount my Smokai Smoke Generator to my BBQ/Grill or Pellet Grill?
How do I easily use my Smoke Generator on more than one chamber?
Where and how are Smokai Smoke Generators made?
Which Smokai Smoke Generator do I need?
What is included with my Smokai Smoke Generator?
How do I clean my Smokai Smoke Generator?
Does my Smokai Smoke Generator come with an Air Pump?
How do I light my Smokai Smoke Generator?
My Smokai Smoke Generator won't stay alight...
Can I order a longer Smoke Outlet for my Smokai Smoke Generator?
Can I order spare or replacement parts for my Smokai Smoke Generator?
What factors influence the  Smoking time on one hopper load of wood?

Woodchip & Pellets

What is the best Woodchip to use in my Smoke Generator?
What are the best Hardwood Pellets to use in my Smoke Generator?
Can I use fine sawdust in my Smoke Generator?
Why do you only sell Smokai Woodchip and Pellets to New Zealand customers?
What do the terms “Blue Smoke” and “White Smoke” refer to?

General & Shopping

The product I’d like to order is showing as ‘Out Of Stock’:
How do I become a Smokai Wholesale / Commercial Partner?
How do I become a Smokai Affiliate?
How do I obtain the Free Smokehouse Plans that are included with the purchase of the 3L Magnum, and 4L Monster Smoke Generators?

Can't find your answers?

Please get in touch - visit our contact page or send us an email to
We aim to reply to all enquiries within 1-3 working days (we are closed during weekends and public holidays).